Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 3

What a relief to get on the scale this morning and actually see a loss of 1.8 for the week. My scale said 161.6.

Eating whatever I wanted last Friday night sure did mess up my week. In 3 weeks I have loss a grand total of 8 pounds. I will be out of the 160's soon!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not such a good idea

Friday night was date night and I was craving everything so, I came up with the "bright" idea of having 2 cheat nights a month.  What could that hurt?? It would help keep me on track the rest of the month. Right?? It would shock my system. Right??  I would not feel guilty.  Right?? WRONG!!!!  Here it is 3 days later and I am still trying to lose the entire pound I gained from one Italian meal with creamy sauce and bruschetta!  What a huge mistake!!  I immediately regretted eating it and was way too full  by the time I walked away from the table.  I got right back on track Saturday morning still as determined as ever to lose this weight.  Curious to see what I weigh on Thursday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 weeks

Today is 2 weeks and I am down 6.2 pounds!  I am still motivated but think I need to stop weighing myself everyday.  I find myself frustrated when the scale goes up from one day to the next and then elated when it drops the following day.  I need to TRY and only get on it on Thursdays so I can truly appreciate the weekly success I have made.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Almost 2 Weeks

It has almost been 2 weeks since I started this journey and I am proud to say that I am down 5.5 pounds as of this morning.  Today seems to be a hard day for me and I think it is because the scale was up 0.3 pounds this morning.  I knew the day would come when the scale would not go down every day (especially with my digestive issues) but, it always discourages me a bit.  I will press on and make good choices and see what it says on Thursday when I have my 2 week weigh in!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 5

I have doing well so far.  Today does seem to be a bit more difficult.  I find myself thinking about food alot today.  Not sure if it has something to do with not feeling well and not feeling like getting up and doing anything.  I got on the scale this morning and it was 166.4.  That is down 3.2 pounds since last Thursday.  I think that is great for 5 days.  I am still committed to doing this and losing the weight.  I haven't really told many people that I have started so, I think it may get easier after my friends start as well.  Then we can all lean on each other when the chocolate is calling our names!  I am off now to find a healthy snack...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Let's get this party started...

RIGHT NOW!!!!!  It is time to stop making excuses and get rid of this extra weight I have gained.  I set a date to start, August 15th.  I woke up this morning wondering what I was waiting for.  10 more days to cram all the fattening food I can into my mouth?  10 more days to sit on the couch eating chocolate and ice cream? 10 more days of dozing off in the middle of the day because I have no energy?  Why not start today and in 10 days see what a difference it made?!?!

I got on the scale this morning and weighed in at 169.6.  This is an all time high for me.  I have managed to gain almost 40 pounds in the last 22 months.  It is time to get serious about what I put in my mouth and put my treadmill to use.  With all the kids going back to school next week, I have no excuse for not taking care of myself. 

I have tons of motivation today but, I know me and a week or two down the line......well, that will be another story.  I have to do this for me.  I want to have my energy back.  I want to want to get off the couch and do something.  Additionally, I want to fit back into my clothes.  I have 3 bags of clothes in the attic that I really like and I would love to be able wear them.  Last winter I did not wear half the clothes in my closet because they were all too tight.  This year will be a different story.

So, fasten your seatbelts.  This is going to be a bumpy ride!!