Sunday, March 20, 2011


Where oh where does the time go? The kids have been on Spring Break this week and it was so nice to get away for a couple of days. I continue to slowly lose weight using Weight Watchers. I am currently at 139.9 pounds. That makes my total weight loss so far 30.8 pounds. I find myself between sizes and that in itself is frustrating. I need to either gain a bit back to fill out the bigger size or lose a bit more to fit into the smaller size. I still have a few pounds left to get to my goal weight so, we will have to see if that does the trick.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Almost There

I can't believe it is February already.  This year is flying by.  I am still trucking along with Weight Watchers.  I find myself frustrated at times with how long it is taking for this weight to come.  Then other times I find myself thinking that the slower it comes off the more of a lifestyle change it really will be.  As of this morning, I weigh(undressed) 145.4 pounds.  This means that I am down 25.3 pounds since the last week in October.  I only have 0.8 pounds left to lose before I am back within my WW goal range (and free) and about 12-15 more pounds to go until I am at my personal goal weight!

I am finding myself in a range of clothes where I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit me right.  (One really good and one kinda baggy in the rear)  I can't wait until I fit into the ones I have been dreaming about for the last 25 pounds.  I am getting closer everyday.  I am hesitant to buy anymore jeans at this size because 1) it will be warm here soon 2) I really am tired of paying that much money for jeans that I am not going to wear for long and 3) knowing I have to keep going to fit back into the jeans that I already own and grew out of is motivation!

Each day, I have a choice of what I put in my mouth and each day I choose to fill myself with healthy, filling, power foods that will help me reach my goal.  The temptation to eat otherwise is not there anymore.  I am going to win this battle!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2 Days Before Christmas

Here we sit 2 days before Christmas and I am happy to report that I am down 19.1 pounds.  I have stayed on track so far this holiday season.  I have to say my biggest weakness is the vanilla yogurt covered pretzels from Sprouts.  I have managed to work them into my day everyday without going over my points.  The new Weight Watchers Points Plus plan has really helped me do that.  The fact that I do not have to count the fruit that I eat really leaves me a lot of room for my pretzels at the end of the day.  I had no problem using 2 points to eat a banana or two a day but, must admit I enjoy them being free even more.  I am so close to being to the half way point and can not wait to be in the 140's again. 

I think the thing that I am loving the most is fitting back into some of my jeans.  That is not to say that I do not have a lot of jeans that are too small for me still but, the fact that there are a few pairs of my "larger" sizes that I can wear comfortably is a great feeling. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The day before Thanksgiving

It is the day before Thanksgiving and I am down exactly 14 pounds in 1 month and 1 day.  I have my meal planned out for tomorrow.  Now, I just need to stick to it.  I am having turkey (white meat) and fresh green beans.  I will skip the rolls, mashed potatoes and stuffing (I don't like it anyways) and the green bean casserole.  I will allow myself a small piece of pumpkin pie but that is it.  I need to figure out my food plan for Thursday night and Friday morning while I am out shopping so I don't end up making poor choices out of hunger and or boredom. I can do this!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Such a bad blogger

I am such a bad blogger.  Who really wants to get on here and say, "Hey, guess what?  I have gained all of it back and then some!"  Not me!  But, that is exactly what happened.  I got tired of trying. Caved on my cravings and decided if Aaron wasn't complaining then why should I care?  Well, because I do care.  I finally got fed up with the way I look and took it upon myself to do something about it.  I enlisted the help of the whole family this time.  I have a goal chart hanging on the fridge that has a box for each of the 40 pounds I now need to lose.  Each day one of the kids asks me if I get another smiley face.

So far, I am down 11.5 pounds in less than 4 weeks.  I have completely changed the way I am eating.  I eat something every 3-4 hours all day long.  I have been eating salads for lunch and grilled chicken and steamed veggies for dinner.  We go out to eat at least twice a week and I order my chicken and steamed veggies wherever we go! 

It is nice to see a change in the way my clothes are fitting but, I have not gone down a size...... YET.  I am ok with that and just oh so excited to be back in the 150's again.  (Barely, but at least I am there.)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 3

What a relief to get on the scale this morning and actually see a loss of 1.8 for the week. My scale said 161.6.

Eating whatever I wanted last Friday night sure did mess up my week. In 3 weeks I have loss a grand total of 8 pounds. I will be out of the 160's soon!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not such a good idea

Friday night was date night and I was craving everything so, I came up with the "bright" idea of having 2 cheat nights a month.  What could that hurt?? It would help keep me on track the rest of the month. Right?? It would shock my system. Right??  I would not feel guilty.  Right?? WRONG!!!!  Here it is 3 days later and I am still trying to lose the entire pound I gained from one Italian meal with creamy sauce and bruschetta!  What a huge mistake!!  I immediately regretted eating it and was way too full  by the time I walked away from the table.  I got right back on track Saturday morning still as determined as ever to lose this weight.  Curious to see what I weigh on Thursday!