Saturday, November 20, 2010

Such a bad blogger

I am such a bad blogger.  Who really wants to get on here and say, "Hey, guess what?  I have gained all of it back and then some!"  Not me!  But, that is exactly what happened.  I got tired of trying. Caved on my cravings and decided if Aaron wasn't complaining then why should I care?  Well, because I do care.  I finally got fed up with the way I look and took it upon myself to do something about it.  I enlisted the help of the whole family this time.  I have a goal chart hanging on the fridge that has a box for each of the 40 pounds I now need to lose.  Each day one of the kids asks me if I get another smiley face.

So far, I am down 11.5 pounds in less than 4 weeks.  I have completely changed the way I am eating.  I eat something every 3-4 hours all day long.  I have been eating salads for lunch and grilled chicken and steamed veggies for dinner.  We go out to eat at least twice a week and I order my chicken and steamed veggies wherever we go! 

It is nice to see a change in the way my clothes are fitting but, I have not gone down a size...... YET.  I am ok with that and just oh so excited to be back in the 150's again.  (Barely, but at least I am there.)

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