Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Almost There

I can't believe it is February already.  This year is flying by.  I am still trucking along with Weight Watchers.  I find myself frustrated at times with how long it is taking for this weight to come.  Then other times I find myself thinking that the slower it comes off the more of a lifestyle change it really will be.  As of this morning, I weigh(undressed) 145.4 pounds.  This means that I am down 25.3 pounds since the last week in October.  I only have 0.8 pounds left to lose before I am back within my WW goal range (and free) and about 12-15 more pounds to go until I am at my personal goal weight!

I am finding myself in a range of clothes where I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit me right.  (One really good and one kinda baggy in the rear)  I can't wait until I fit into the ones I have been dreaming about for the last 25 pounds.  I am getting closer everyday.  I am hesitant to buy anymore jeans at this size because 1) it will be warm here soon 2) I really am tired of paying that much money for jeans that I am not going to wear for long and 3) knowing I have to keep going to fit back into the jeans that I already own and grew out of is motivation!

Each day, I have a choice of what I put in my mouth and each day I choose to fill myself with healthy, filling, power foods that will help me reach my goal.  The temptation to eat otherwise is not there anymore.  I am going to win this battle!!!

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